13 Jan 2022
I am making a quick pickle aka pickle made with Vinegar, in this recipe. If you follow the ratio, equal parts vinegar and water, plus 4-5% salt, you can make pickles with any crunchy vegetable you can imagine, except leafy vegetables like spinach, because they’ll go sad in the hot solution.
I am pickling some red onions and carrots here. The choice of what whole spices and herbs you want to use is also endless, pick your fav and GO WILD! You can choose to use any vinegar you like but different vinegar will give a slightly different colour, texture and flavour profile. You can choose to add sugar to the recipe too, to your taste (I’ll start with 1tsp, and will go from there).
Make sure you cool down the pickle before you start using it. This recipe makes two jars of pickles which should be good to eat if stored in air tight conatiners in the fridge, for at least 3-5 days. This simple pickle recipe will revamp your meals!